A bicycle made of cardboard.

That’s right, a bicycle made of cardboard.

And we also thought right, that can not be. Cardboard is too weak to make a bike.
But nothing is apparently impossible. And that thought Izhar Gafni.
The Israeli thought immediately, a bicycle made of cardboard, why not.

Izhar Gafni has spent years to carry out his idea. In his workshop he has long been trying to come up with techniques to make cardboard sturdy enough for a bicycle frame.
Strong enough to carry a person and be able to absorb unevenness in the road.
In addition, the bike had to be naturally resistant to weathering.

The frame.

Gafni found out that, through the board in several layers to be bonded, he was given a strong enough material to make a frame of.
And that you could properly protect it with a special varnish / resin mixture against the weather, and it could be provided with a coat of paint in order to give the frame a color.
The frame, wheels, saddle and handlebars of the bike are made of the same material.
Has a single speed rear hub driven by a drive belt, and standard products for the bicycle brake and pedals.
Remarkably, the bike weighs just under ten kilograms and yet can carry a person of 125 kg.


We find the bike in any case remarkable.
What do you think, would cartonboard in the future be the material to produce bicycles?