Dutch bikes annually 369,000 times the earth around

fietsenDutch love cycling. Annually submit Dutch per person on average a thousand kilometers. It is mainly the teenagers between 12 and 19 years who beat their leg over the saddle. They cycling with an average of two thousand kilometers annually twice as much as the majority of the Dutch. A lot of people – young and old – make these kilometers on a bicycle with two wheels.

The number of kilometers that Dutch people, of 12 years and older take together each year is staggering: about fifteen billion. Converted this is equivalent to almost 369 thousand times around the earth, measured from the equator. Average one cycle per day 2.9 kilometers per person. Men are cycling generally slightly more active than women. They cycle according to the latest figures, an average of 3.2 kilometers per person per day, while the daily average distance among women is 2.6 kilometers. In the provinces of Utrecht and North Holland people are cycling the most and longest distance.

The distance covered with their bike will steadily increase in the coming years. This is because more and more people opt for the e-bike and faster speed pedelec. Where of the e-bike supports up to 25 kilometers per hour, is that of the speed pedelec 45 kilometers per hour. The electric bikes are the ultimate means of transport for commuters, for example, 15, 20, 25 or more kilometers to and from work, but do not want to get in a traffic jam.
Even for people who like to sit on the saddle at the weekend, and thereby could use some support, provides the electric bicycle outcome.